Talks and Press Releases
52. Maina, F.Z. “Advancing IDRO’s Mission with NASA’s Water Insight”, 2024, International Drought Resilience Alliance at the UNCCD COP16, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
51. Maina, F.Z. “Restoring land in West Africa’s transboundary basins: tackling climate and hydrological challenges”, 2024, G20 Land Initiative at UNCCD COP16, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
50. Maina, F.Z. “Reviving the Sahel: transformative approaches to land restoration and climate resilience”, 2024, Science Day at UNCCD COP16, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
49. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V. “Rain-on-snow and its consequences on the hydrology from the historical period to the end of the century”, 2024, AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA
48. Maina, F.Z. “Innovative applications of satellite data in water resource management”, 2024, ComoLake Conferences, Cernobbio, Italy.
47. Maina, F.Z. “Deciphering the impacts of climate-human interactions on hydrology through satellite observations”, 2024, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
46. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V., Mocko D., Whitney K., Locke K. “Development of a fine-scale North American precipitation analysis for retrospective and operational applications”, 2024, AWRA, UCOWR, NIWR 60th Anniversary Joint Water Resources Conference, Saint Louis, Missouri, USA
45. Maina, F.Z. “Deciphering the impacts of climate-human interactions on hydrology through satellite observations”, 2024, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Thuwal, Saudi Arabia.
44. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V., Mocko D., Kemp E., Collins C., Beck J. “NLDAS-3, a fine scale surface meteorology dataset for North and Central America”, 2024, AGU Water Science Conference, Saint Paul, Minnesota, USA
43. Maina, F.Z. “Deciphering the impacts of climate-human interactions on hydrology through satellite observations”, 2024, JMSC, Strasbourg, France.
42. Maina, F.Z. “Creating a water atlas: a scientist’s odyssey across borders and disciplines”, 2024, ENGEES, Strasbourg, France.
41. Maina, F.Z. “The impacts of climate change and human management on the hydrology of High Mountain Asia”, 2024, George Mason University, Fairfax, Virginia, USA
40. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V., Mocko D., Kemp E., Collins C., Beck J. “Development of a fine-scale North American precipitation analysis for retrospective and operational applications”, 2024, AMS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
39. Maina, F.Z., Getirana A., Kumar S.V., Saharia M., Kumar B. N., McLarty S., Appana R. “A multivariate data assimilation to estimate the impacts of groundwater depletion in the Ganges-Brahmaputra on the Bay of Benghal’s streamflow”, 2023, AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, California, USA
38. Maina, F.Z. “Providing transboundary solutions through innovative products overcoming the challenges of data sharing”, 2023, World Water Week, online & Stockholm, Sweden
37. Maina, F.Z. “Etudier l’eau de l’espace”, 2023, Université Abdou Moumouni, Niamey, Niger
36. Maina, F.Z. “Satellite observations reveal the responses of Asian water towers to a changing climate and agricultural activities”, 2023, Stanford University, Stanford, California, USA
35. Maina, F.Z. “The impacts of a changing climate and human activities on the hydrology of High Mountain Asia”, 2023, Montclair State University, Montclair, New Jersey, USA
34. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V., Getirana A., Forman B., Zaitchik B., Loomis B., Maggioni V., Xue Y., Zhou Y. “Development of a multidecadal land reanalysis over High Mountain Asia”, 2023, AMS Annual Meeting, Denver, Colorado, USA
33. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V “rain-on-snow events over High Mountain Asia”, 2022, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA
32. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V., Albergel C., Mahanama S. P., Gangodagamage C. “Disentangling the impacts of anthropogenic activities and changing climate on the land surface processes in High Mountain Asia”, 2022, AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, Illinois, USA
31. Maina F.Z. “On the use of space technology to tackle water scarcity issues”, 2022, The Africa Aerospace and Defense Exhibition, Pretoria, South Africa
30. Maina F.Z. “On the 21st century techniques to boost the achievement of groundwater
related SDG targets”, 2022, International Conference “Groundwater, key to the Sustainable Development Goals”, Paris, France
29. Maina, F.Z., Kumar S.V., Albergel C., Mahanama S. P., Gangodagamage C. “Evaluation of the impacts of warming, greening, and irrigation on the surface albedo in High Mountain Asia”, 2022, AMS Annual Meeting, Houston, Texas, USA
28. Maina, F. Z, Kumar S.V., Albergel C., Mahanama S. P. “Drivers of greening in High Mountain Asia: a multivariate analysis based on remote sensing data”, 2021, AGU fall meeting, New Orleans Louisiana, USA
27. Maina F.Z “How does California’s new normal shape its hydrology?”, 2021, Rice University, Houston, Texas, USA
26. Maina F.Z “le parcours prestigieux d’une scientifique de Zinder (Niger)”, 2021, Webinar organized by region globale France, link to the video.
25. Maina F. Z, Rhoades A., Siirila-Woodburn E., Dennedy-Frank J. “Impacts of end of century climate extremes on California hydrology”, 2020, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, California, USA
24. Maina F. Z “Understanding the impacts of wildfires on water supply in California”, 2020, AGU fall meeting, San Francisco, California, USA
23. Maina F. Z "Sortir de l’ordinaire avec des choses ordinaires”, 2020, meeting organized by CIPMEN (The Incubator Center of Small and Medium Enterprises of Niger”, Niamey, Niger
22. Maina F. Z "The rise of water from wildfires", 2020, "Fête de la Science" organized by DFI (Network for French PhDs in the USA) in partnership with the Office of Science of the French Embassy in the USA, Washington, D.C., USA, link to the video.
21. Maina F. Z “Understanding the impacts of a changing climate on water supply in California”, 2020, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA
20. Maina F.Z Washington Forum, 2020, Washington, D.C., USA, link to the video
19. Maina F. Z “Understanding the impacts of a changing climate on water supply in California”, 2020, University of Washington Summer Institute, Seattle, Washington, USA, link to the video
18. Maina F. Z “How wildfires impact water supply in California”, 2020, Midday Science Café, Berkeley, California, USA, link to the video
17. Maina F.Z. “Feedbacks between evapotranspiration and subsurface flow: a global sensitivity analysis”, SIAM Uncertainty Quantification 2020, Munich, Germany
16. Maina F. Z “Introduction to modeling in hydrology” 2018, University of Niamey (Niger)
15. Maina F. Z “Nigerien Women in Science” Africa Science Week 2018 with the parrainage of the First Lady of Niger, Niamey, Niger
14. Maina F. Z “On the use of numerical models to understand water scarcity in Zinder (Niger)” 2018, University of Zinder, Zinder, Niger
13. Maina F. Z “Calibrating an integrated hydrologic model using hydraulic heads” 2018, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, California, USA
12. Maina F. Z “Estimation of groundwater recharge by inversion” 2016, University Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France
11. Maina F. Z “Estimating initial conditions using inverse modeling” 2016, AquiFR meeting, Paris, France
10. Maina F. Z “Adaptive downscaling parameterization for inverse models” 2016, CEA Cadarache, France
9. Maina F. Z “Understanding the impact of climate extremes and wildfires on Californian watersheds using an integrated hydrologic model”, 2019, MIT CEE Rising Stars workshop, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA
8. Maina F. Z “Sustainable water for an uncertain future”, German Academic International Network meeting, 2019, San Francisco, California, USA, link to the video
7. Maina F. Z, Siirila-Woodburn E. “Nonlinear impacts of post-wildfire conditions on watershed hydrodynamics” Rising Star talk at Gordon Research Conference, Catchment Science, 2019, Andover, New Hampshire, USA
6. Maina F. Z, Siirila-Woodburn E. “Nonlinear impacts of post-wildfire conditions on watershed hydrodynamics” Gordon Research Seminar, Catchment Science, 2019, Andover, New Hampshire, USA
5. Maina, F. Z, Siirila-Woodburn E., Newcomer M., Xu Z., Steefel C. “Assessing the impact of climate extremes on watershed dynamics”, EGU General Assembly, 2019, Vienna, Austria
4. Patani S., Porta G., Bianchi Janetti E., Maina F. Z, Guadagnini A. “Quantification of parametric uncertainty and calibration of basin-scale depositional models”, EGU General Assembly, 2019, Vienna, Austria
3. Maina F. Z, Guadagnini A. “Global sensitivity analysis of subsurface flow parameters to gravimetric variations during pumping tests in unconfined aquifers”, Gordon Research Seminar, Flow and Transport in Permeable Media, 2018, Newry, Maine, USA
2. Siirila-Woodburn E., Maina, F. Z, Newcomer M., Xu Z., Steefel C. “A new approach to predicting the effects of climate extremes on California’s water supply”, Computational Methods in Water Resources, 2018, Saint-Malo, France
1. Maina F. Z., Bildstein O., Ackerer P. “Can we simultaneously calibrate groundwater recharge and aquifer hydrodynamic parameters?”, EGU General Assembly, 2017, Vienna, Austria
14. Maina F. Z., Bildstein O., Ackerer P. “Simultaneous estimation of groundwater recharge and hydrodynamic parameters for groundwater flow modeling”, VIII International Conference on Sensitivity Analysis of Model Output, 2016, Le Tampon, France
In the media
• Irrigation reduces the streamflow in the Bay of Bengal
• Fadji Maïna, hydrologue à la NASA : il faut la parité hommes-femmes dans les sciences
• Data from NASA’s NSIDC DAAC help scientists like Dr. Fadji Z. Maina research hydrological change in High Mountain Asia
• Niger-Born NASA Scientist Shares Her Story
• World’s great science minds inspire Saudi students at Mawhiba event
• Eye on the Future panel organized by UNESCO-Al-Fozan in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
• Explorer l'espace aux côtés de Fadji Maina
• Washington Forum: Faire face au changement climatique
• AGU Panel: Navigating Academic Waters Panel with AGU H3S: Navigating Non-Academic Waters
• Early Career Spotlight NASA GSFC, Dr. Fadji Maina
• Earth, Ocean, and Skies, insight from selected outstanding African women scientists
• One scientist’s journey from Niger to NASA
• Fadji Maina, la premiere chercheuse nigérienne à la NASA
• Des dents, des rêves et la Nasa
• Dr. Fadji Maina, une étoile montante dans le paysage scientifique africain, Next Einstein Forum
• Interview inédit avec Fadji MAINA Scientifique en hydrologie à la NASA, Karatou Post Bac, link to the videos: first and second part.
• From Niger to Nasa, Dr. Fadji Zaouna Maina, a special interview featured in the United Nations Integrated Strategy for the Sahel 2020 magazine
• Feature: Dr Fadji Maina ~ NASA Scientist from Niger || Georgie’s Global Village Podcast
• On International Women’s Day, these atmospheric scientists inspire us
• Jusqu’où nous entraîneront les femmes de science?
• AI and Climate Change: the future of water, with Dr. Fadji Maina || Teens In AI Podcast
• Stories of Success, Fadji Zaouna Maina, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Polytechnic School of Milan
• The African women who made 2020 their year, BBC News Africa
• Fadji Maina's journey from Zinder to Nasa, a podcast in Hausa
• Fadji Zaouna Maina: "Studio l'acqua alla Nasa e spero di salvare il mio Niger"
• Dr Fadji Maina, première scientifique de la NASA originaire du Niger, BBC News Afrique
• Fadji Maina, ses recherches séduisent la NASA, Amina Magazine numéro 599. Amina is a monthly French-language woman's magazine aimed black women in Africa, Europe, the Antilles and North America.
• Hydrologist Fadji Maina’s path from Niger to NASA
• Dr. Fadji Maina the first Nigerien scientist to work for NASA
• Fadji Maina : première scientifique nigérienne à travailler pour la Nasa
• Fadji Maina sur les marches de la NASA
• Niger : Fadji Zaouna Maïna, de Zinder à la Nasa
• Fadji Maina: 'Yar Nijar ta farko mai aiki a hukumar NASA ta Amurka
• Fadji: 'Yar Nijar A Cibiyar Sama Jannatin Amurka
• Le Président de la République, SEM Issoufou Mahamadou a eu mercredi 02 Septembre 2020, un entretien téléphonique avec Dr. Fadji Maina, la 1ère scientifique nigérienne à travailler à la NASA
• Two recent exercises in modeling the hydrological effects of forest thinning and wildfire are yielding intriguing insights.
• Research Tidbit: The secret life of water after a wildfire
• UC Berkeley researchers urge governments to take action in western Sahel region
• Researchers say Western Sahel investment needed to avert crisis
• Wildfires affect water resources long after the smoke clear
• NERSC powers research on post-wildfire water availability
• How wildfires affect our drinking water?
• Impact of wildfires on watersheds
• Could wildfires be good for water availability?
• Berkeley Lab study finds California wildfires increase runoff and groundwater
• Berkeley Lab study finds California wildfires increase runoff, groundwater
• Supercomputing Post-Wildfire Water Availability
• How California Wildfires Can Impact Water Availability, the news also appeared on, EurekAlert, ScienceDaily, ScienceBlog, ScienceSprings, Napawatersheds, MavenNoteBook, etc.
• EGD Postdoc represents EESA at National Postdoc Conference
• Women supporting women at Berkeley Lab
• Meet Fadji Maina
• A Nigerien woman received her PhD degree at 25 years old