Publications and Awards
28. Maina, F.Z., Rosen D., Abbaszadeh P., Yang C., Kumar S.V., Rodell M., Maxwell R. “Integrating the interconnections between groundwater and land surface processes through the coupled NASA Land Information System and ParFlow environment”. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, Accepted
27. Dennedy-Frank, P. J., Visser, A., Maina, F. Z., & Siirila-Woodburn, E. R. 2024. Investigating mountain watershed headwater-to-groundwater connections, water sources, and storage selection behavior with dynamic-flux particle tracking. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS003976.
26. Maina, F.Z., Xue Y., Kumar S.V., Getirana A., McLarty S., Appana R., Forman B., Zaitchik B., Loomis B., Maggioni V., Zhou Y. 2024. “Development of a multidecadal land reanalysis over High Mountain Asia”, Sci Data 11, 827 (2024).
25. Maina, F.Z., Getirana, A., Kumar, S.V., Saharia M., Kumar B. N., McLarty S., Appana R. 2024. “Irrigation-driven groundwater depletion in the Ganges-Brahmaputra basin decreases the streamflow in the Bay of Bengal” Commun Earth Environ 5, 169.
24. Dollan I. J., Maina F. Z., Kumar S. V., Nikolopoulos E. I., Maggioni V. 2024. “An assessment of gridded precipitation products over High Mountain Asia” Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies,
23. Maina, F. Z. and Kumar, S. V. 2024 “Anthropogenic Influences Alter the Response and Seasonality of Evapotranspiration: A Case Study Over Two High Mountain Asia Basins”. Geophysical Research Letters, 51, e2023GL107182,
22. Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., Dennedy-Frank, P. J., Rhoades, A., Vahmani, P., Maina, F. Z., Hatchett, B., et al. 2023 “The role of atmospheric rivers on groundwater: Lessons learned from an extreme wet year”. Water Resources Research, 59, e2022WR033061.
21. Maina, F. Z., Kumar S.V. 2023 “Diverging trends in rain-on-snow over High Mountain Asia” Earth’s Future,
20. Maina, F. Z., Kumar, S. V., & Gangodagamage, C. 2022 “Irrigation and warming drive the decreases in surface albedo over High Mountain Asia”. Scientific Reports, 12(1), 16163.
19. Maina, F. Z., Kumar, S. V., Dollan, I. J., & Maggioni, V. 2022 “Development and evaluation of ensemble consensus precipitation estimates over High Mountain Asia”. Journal of Hydrometeorology, 1(aop).
18. Maina, F. Z., Rhoades, A., Siirila-Woodburn, E. R., & Dennedy-Frank, P.-J. 2022. “Projecting end-of-century climate extremes and their impacts on the hydrology of a representative California watershed”. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(13), 3589–3609.
17. Maina, F. Z., Wainwright, H. M., Dennedy-Frank, P. J., & Siirila-Woodburn, E. R. 2022 “On the similarity of hillslope hydrologic function: a clustering approach based on groundwater changes”. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 26(14), 3805–3823.
16. Maina, F. Z., Siirila-Woodburn E., Dennedy-Frank P.J., 2022 “Assessing the interconnectivity between evapotranspiration and subsurface hydrology in mountainous watersheds” Journal of Hydrology, 608, 127620.
15. Maina, F.Z., Kumar, S.V., Albergel, C., Mahanama S. P., 2022, “Warming, increase in precipitation, and irrigation enhance greening in High Mountain Asia”. Commun Earth Environ 3, 43.
14. Maina, F. Z., Riva. M, Guadagnini, A. 2021 “Impact of multiple-uncertainties on gravimetric
variations within heterogeneous aquifers during pumping tests” Adv. Water Resour. 103978, ISSN
13. Maavara, T., Siirila-Woodburn, E.R., Maina F. Z., Maxwell, R.M., Sample, J.E., Chadwick, K.D., Carroll, R., Newcomer, M.E., Dong, W., Williams, K.H., Steefel, C.I., Bouskill, N.J. “Modeling geogenic and atmospheric nitrogen through the East River Watershed, Colorado Rocky Mountains.” PLos One,
12. Dobi, F.B.; Kouakou, E.K.; Nazoumou, Y.; Abdou Boko, B.; Edimo, S.N.; Maina, F.Z.; Konaté, M. 2021 Aquifer Depletion in the Arlit Mining Area (Tim Mersoï Basin, North Niger). Water, 13, 1685.
11. Li Z, Özgen-Xian I., Maina F. Z. 2020. A mass-conservative predictor-corrector solution to the 1D Richards equation with adaptive time control. J. Hydrol. 125809
10. Maina, F. Z. and Siirila‐Woodburn, E. R. 2020. The Role of Subsurface Flow on Evapotranspiration: A Global Sensitivity Analysis, Water Resour. Res., 56(7), e2019WR026612, doi:10.1029/2019WR026612.
9. Maina, F. Z., Siirila-Woodburn, E. R. and Vahmani, P. 2020. Sensitivity of meteorological-forcing resolution on hydrologic variables, Hydrol. Earth Syst. Sci., 24(7), 3451–3474, doi:
8. Maina, F. Z, Siirila-Woodburn E., Newcomer M., Xu Z., Steefel C. 2020 Determining the impact of a severe dry to wet transition on watershed hydrodynamics in California, USA with an integrated hydrologic model, J. Hydrol. 580, 124358.
7. Graves, A., Rosa, L., Nouhou, A.M., Maina, F., Adoum, D., 2019. Avert catastrophe now in Africa’s Sahel. Nature 575, 282–286.
6. Maina, F. Z, Siirila-Woodburn E., 2019 Watersheds dynamics following wildfires: nonlinear feedbacks and implications on hydrologic responses, Hydrological Processes, hyp.13568.
5. Maina, F. Z., Guadagnini, A. 2018. Uncertainty quantification and global sensitivity analysis of subsurface flow parameters to gravimetric variations during pumping tests in unconfined aquifers. Water Resources Research, 54, 501–518.
4. Maina F. Z., Ackerer P. 2017. Groundwater flow parameter estimation using refinement and coarsening indicators for adaptive downscaling parameterization. Adv. Water Resour. 100, 139–152. doi:10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.12.013
3. Maina F. Z., Ackerer P. 2017. Ross scheme, Newton–Raphson iterative methods and time-stepping strategies for solving the mixed form of Richards’ equation. Hydrol Earth Syst Sci 21, 2667–2683. doi:10.5194/hess-21-2667-2017
2. Maina F. Z., Ackerer, P., Younes, A., Guadagnini, A., Berkowitz, B., 2017. Benchmarking numerical codes for tracer transport with the aid of laboratory-scale experiments in 2D heterogeneous porous media. J. Contam. Hydrol. doi:10.1016/j.jconhyd.2017.06.001
1. Maina F. Z., Delay F., Ackerer P. 2017. Estimating initial conditions for groundwater flow modeling using an adaptive inverse method. J. Hydrol. 552, 52–61. doi:10.1016/j.jhydrol.2017.06.041
Achievements and Awards
• NASA GSFC Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Geophysics Peer Award for Scientific Achievement, 2023
• Listed among the 25 Outstanding African Women Scientists by the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, 2022
• NASA GSFC Hydrosphere, Biosphere, Geophysics Peer Award for Scientific Achievement, 2021
• Listed among the African Women of the year 2020 by the New African Women, 2020
• 100 most influential Africans, New African Magazine, a bestselling pan-African magazine, 2020
• Forbes 30 Under 30, Class of 2020
• Top downloaded paper, Hydrological Processes Journal, 2020
• Selected to present my research at the Science Translator Showcase at the California State Capitol, 2020
• Science SLAM finalist at Berkeley Lab, 2019, link to the video
• Rising Star in Civil and Environmental Engineering, MIT, 2019
• Rising Star in Hydrology, Gordon Research Conference, 2019
• Kepler Award “Chapitre Saint Thomas” Award for the University of Strasbourg’ best PhD Thesis in Science and Engineering, 2017
• Recipient of the French government excellence scholarship, 2012-2013
• Recipient of the Moroccan government excellence scholarship, 2008-2011